Bremen, KS

Current Weather Conditions

Sat 27 Jul 2024 05:30 CDT (-0500)

This page will refresh every five minutes.

Current Conditions
Outside Temperature 68.6°F
Wind Chill 68.6°F
Heat Index 68.6°F
Dew Point 65.2°F
Humidity 89%
Barometer 29.890 inHg
Barometer Trend (3 hours) -0.005 inHg
Wind 0 mph from N/A (N/A)
Rain Rate 0.00 in/h
Inside Temperature 83.5°F
Soil Temperature 77.0°F
UV Index 0.0
ET 0.00 in
Radiation 0 W/m²


Since Midnight
High Temperature
Low Temperature
72.2°F at 02:16:13 AM
68.6°F at 01:20:21 AM
High Heat Index
Low Wind Chill
74.0°F at 02:11:05 AM
68.6°F at 01:20:23 AM
High Humidity
Low Humidity
89% at 01:25:07 AM
84% at 12:02:15 AM
High Dewpoint
Low Dewpoint
67.1°F at 02:16:15 AM
64.4°F at 12:22:19 AM
High Barometer
Low Barometer
29.899 inHg at 01:07:59 AM
29.881 inHg at 05:05:00 AM
Today's Rain 0.00 in
High Rain Rate 0.00 in/h at 12:00:03 AM
High Wind 8 mph from 163° at 03:04:37 AM
Average Wind 1 mph
RMS Wind 2 mph
Vector Average Speed
Vector Average Direction
1 mph
High Inside Temperature
Low Inside Temperature
84.4°F at 12:00:03 AM
83.5°F at 03:50:57 AM
High Soil Temperature
Low Soil Temperature
79.0°F at 12:00:03 AM
77.0°F at 02:56:43 AM
High UV
Low UV
0.0 at 12:00:03 AM
0.0 at 12:00:03 AM
High ET
Low ET
0.00 in at 01:00:00 AM
0.00 in at 12:05:00 AM
High Radiation
Low Radiation
0 W/m² at 12:00:03 AM
0 W/m² at 12:00:03 AM


Kansas Weather Net Report
Wind N/A at 0 mph gust 2 mph
Temperature 68.6°F
24 hr High Temp
24 hr Low Temp
91.8°F at 26 Jul 15:51 CDT
67.6°F at 26 Jul 05:45 CDT
Humidity 89%
Barometer 29.890 inHg
Barometer Trend (3 hours) -0.005 inHg Steady
24 hr Rain 0.00 in


Radar, Satellite, and Solar

Click image for expanded radar loop


Click image for expanded radar loop


Click image for additional satellite images


Click image for additional satellite images


Click image for additional satellite images

Ionospheric map

Click image for ionosonde map page

Solar Terrestrial Data

Click image for N0NBH's solar data

Sunlit map with MUF data

Click image for N0NBH's solar data

About this weather station:
Latitude: 39° 54.68' N
Longitude: 096° 46.27' W
Altitude: 1327 feet

This station uses a Vantage Pro2, controlled by 'WeeWX', an experimental weather software system written in Python. Weewx was designed to be simple, fast, and easy to understand by leveraging modern software concepts.

Seasons format of this page.

RSS feed

Smartphone formatted

WeeWX uptime: 30 days, 23 hours, 23 minutes
Server uptime: 30 days, 23 hours, 27 minutes
weewx v4.10.2

Other useful links where this station's data can be found.

CWOP/APRS forwarded to MADIS (N0NB/AV057)

Weather Underground KKSBREME2 dashboard

Today's Almanac
Start civil twilight: 05:50:09 AM
Sunrise: 06:21:29 AM
Transit: 01:33:36 PM
Sunset: 08:45:10 PM
End civil twilight: 09:16:24 PM
Azimuth: 55.3°
Altitude: -9.4°
Right ascension: 127.2°
Declination: 19.0°
Equinox: 09/22/2024 07:43:29 AM
Solstice: 12/21/2024 03:20:18 AM
Rise: 12:21:30 AM
Transit: 06:41:08 AM
Set: 01:41:03 PM
Azimuth: 147.1°
Altitude: 57.2°
Right ascension: 23.8°
Declination: 11.0°
New moon: 08/04/2024 06:12:56 AM
Full moon: 08/19/2024 01:25:41 PM
Phase: Last quarter
(58% full)

Today's daylight will be 14 hours, 23 minutes, and 41 seconds.
Today will be 1 minute, 49 seconds shorter than yesterday.
Tomorrow will be 1 minute, 51 seconds shorter than today.

temperatures rain barometer outside humidity wind Hi Wind heatchill Wind Vector UV Index Radiation ET Index Soil Temperatures day rx percent